It's a new transfer, and Sister Matheson and I are....... STAYING TOGETHER! This isn't much of a surprise, since I need to finish training her, but it is definitely a relief. I get to have Thanksgiving and Christmas with my baby! I was so afraid that something would happen, that for some crazy reason one of us would leave, or that Sister Matheson would stay and train, because she is seriously that capable! But the Lord knew that we needed each other for this rough holiday season. Thankfully, we have met so many people who we love and who take care of us, we feel like we have family all around us.
As a missionary, you live to a pretty strict schedule. There are many opportunities to be obedient, and my companion and I had been struggling. Nothing drastic or severely disobedient, but not exactly obedient. After an exchange with her sister training leader, we decided that we needed to shape up. The next day we were super obedient, no excuses. We had a lesson with the young couple we are working with to be baptized. They had dinner at their fellowship's home, and then we came over to have the lesson. That morning Sister Matheson and I had both received revelation that we needed to talk about Heavenly Father and their relationship with Him. When we started teaching, they opened up and told us more in that lesson than they have ever shared with us in the past six weeks. I realized in that lesson, that the adversary had been trying to stop the progress of our investigators by getting to us. He knew that if he slowed us down, he would be able to slow down their momentum and their decision to come unto Christ and be baptized. We knew in that lesson that they have been prepared, that we are meant to be here to teach them. It was so humbling to see that I have that much power to influence the lives of my investigators. Now, every morning, I wake up and say, "Who's life am I going to change because of my obedience?" President Hinckley said, "You cannot afford to do anything that would place a curtain between you and the ministering of angels in your behalf." I am so grateful for the help that we receive from the Lord, and the power and influence that obedience can have in our lives.
I love this gospel. I love my Savior Jesus Christ, and I am so grateful for His atoning sacrifice that gives me a chance to become more like Him. I have been so blessed to have such incredible family, friends, and examples all around me. And I am truly grateful to be a missionary, serving the Lord and His people here in Utah.
I love you all, and I hope you're smiling! Happy Thanksgiving!
Sister Boman