My new companion is Hermana Estrada! She was born in Guatemala but moved to Oregon when she was 6. We are a lot alike, and we are having a ton of fun. She is helping me adjust to doing missionary work on bikes! They took our car away and I was a bit nervous, but besides the sore backside we are doing good! People see us out more, and we are more thoughtful as we go from place to place because it takes a lot of energy to ride in this heat! But we are seeing miracles because of our diligence.
don't be fooled, that smile isn't always on my face! ;) |
We met with a family this past week. The dad is less active and his wife and daughter are not members. They have had basically no exposure to religion in their lives so we're starting at square one, explaining who God and Jesus Christ are and what this gospel can do for their family. They have been hit with some hard things in their family recently, and so they are very open to the peace and happiness that the gospel can bring to them. We could feel it as we taught them; they had so many questions. They really wanted to know what this is all about.
We met another young girl who's mom is less active and doesn't come out to church, but her daughter wanted to go to a church, so she was going to a Christian church. She ended up not liking that one so she started going to the LDS church, and has been coming by herself for the past few months! She walks all alone in her heels down the street and around the corner (you don't have to go too far in Utah to find a chapel). She wants to get baptized and we are going to start teaching her!
I am so grateful for all of the incredible miracles I have been able to witness here on my mission. I feel so blessed to touch people's lives, even for a short while. I know that Heavenly Father is giving me the strength that I need to stay strong and "endure to the end" of my mission.
The gospel is true. I love you all and I hope you're smiling!
Sister Boman
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