
Tuesday, March 31, 2015


We met a lot of new people this week. We finally contacted some referrals that we have been trying to meet for a while, and had some really good lessons. One lady, she is not a member of the church, but her husband is. He hasn't gone for a long time. She grew up with her mom telling her bad things about the LDS church, and so she really did not have a good opinion of it. After a lot of soul searching and pondering, she finally found peace in Christ, and decided that she is not going to judge people because of what they believe. She has since married her husband, who's family is active in the church, so she has come a long way. She was really sweet, and it was so neat to hear about her journey in discovering the love of our Savior Jesus Christ. She said that her husband has been struggling with his faith, and we offered to come and help with some of the questions he might have. We set a return appointment, but we're guessing the husband is not quite ready to come back, because she texted us, cancelled the appointment, and said no further visits were necessary. Bummer!

Then we met a young girl who is not a member but her mom is. We had a lesson and talked to her about the church and baptism, and she seemed on board. The mom, although she didn't participate much, seemed ok with everything, until the weekend when she texted, cancelled the appointment, and said they did not want to reschedule. Double bummer.

It would be easy to look at these events and say what is the point of even meeting them?! But I have learned in my time in the mission field, that success is measured by our commitment. Because we are committed to the work, we gave these people an opportunity to learn. They might not be ready at this time, but we have planted a seed. When Heavenly Father leads us to these people, He wants to see if we will keep working, even when it is tough. He wants us to learn to turn to Him, to trust Him. I have seen that with many things in my life. If I am going through something hard, I try to turn around and say ok, what am I supposed to be learning? It doesn't all make sense at once, but the more I counsel with the Lord, the easier it is to have hope.

This weekend we have the incredible opportunity to hear the Prophet of the Lord, President Thomas S. Monson and other apostles speak to us at General Conference! I invite you all to watch or listen to it, it is on the BYU channel, but you can also stream it live online at There will be two sessions on Saturday, and two on Sunday. I can't wait to hear what guidance and counsel they have for us!

I love you all, and I hope you're smiling!


Sister Boman

p.s. sorry I have had no pictures! not much to document, next week will be different :)

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